Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the goals of this call?

    GDLab, seeks to fund academic studies that provide robust evidence on effective programs and policies to promote equitable care practices among genders throughout the life cycle in Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Proposals that analyze one or more of the 26 IDB borrowing member countries will be considered. The proposals must apply rigorous quantitative methods that establish causal relationships using structural models or experimental or quasi-experimental evaluations. Proposals that include qualitative analysis will be considered only to the extent that they serve as input for the implementation of quantitative methods. Proposals that generate actionable public policy recommendations for the public sector, private sector, and multilateral organizations are especially welcome.

    The studies funded through this call for proposals will be considered for publication as IDB knowledge products in the working documents series. This publication will require an external peer review process prior to publication in the IDB working paper series. The studies that receive funding are expected to be published in academic journals.

    Find out more details by downloading the brochure of this call.

  • Which topics will be prioritized?

    This call seeks research proposals that provide quantitative and rigorous evidence in the following thematic areas: social norms, equity, and care distribution; policies and services for unpaid caregivers; intergenerational care; infrastructure and services; labor markets; and technology and care.

    Proposals that consider the intersectionality of identities and examine the differentiated impact that care responsibilities may have on women from different socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnic minorities, rural communities, people with disabilities, or LGBTQ+ persons are strongly encouraged.

    Find out more details by downloading the brochure of this call.

  • Who can submit proposals?

    Both independent researchers and research teams comprised of entities from the public sector, private sector, universities, or research centers may apply. Applicants must meet the following requirements: be a citizen of one of the 48 IDB member countries and not have family members who currently work at the Inter-American Development Bank or IDB Invest (jointly, "IDB Group") (to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity, including husband or wife).

    Participation of IDB Group specialists in the research teams is encouraged. It should be noted that while the specialists may collaborate on the project, they will not be eligible to receive compensation for their contribution. The funds will be given exclusively to the research team members who are not part of the IDB Group.

  • How are research projects selected?

    The Scientific Committee of this call for proposals will evaluate them based on relevance, innovation, scalability, replicability, quality of the methodology, and ability of the team to carry out the research project. The Scientific Committee is made up of specialists on these issues from the IDB Group and Chloe Gibbs (University of Notre Dame) and Jessica H. Brown (University of South Carolina), external academic advisors. The decisions of the Scientific Committee will be final and unappealable.

    The selected teams must be willing to receive and respond to comments from the advisors of the call for proposals and from IDB Group specialists throughout execution of the study, as well as to participate in discussion seminars held during the consultancy period.

    The decisions of the Scientific Committee will be final and unappealable. Find out more details by downloading the brochure of this call.

  • What are the evaluation criteria?

    • Relevance and innovation. Does the proposal address a knowledge gap? How would the study contribute to closing these knowledge gaps? What is the innovation proposed by the study to address the problem? What is the study’s relevance in terms of its impact on policy design in the region? How well does this study align with the priority areas outlined in this call? 
    • Data and methodology. Does the proposal present a clear and rigorous research design and methodology? Is the approach to the research question explained in detail and does it justify why the selected methodology is the most appropriate to achieve the objectives of the study? Is the data collection process described in detail, including how potential challenges will be met and overcome? Is the estimation strategy well-articulated, justifying its ability to identify causal relationships and the robustness of the expected results? Are quantitative methods clearly presented and is there adequate justification for their choice over other methodological alternatives?
    • Implementation capacity. What is the demonstrated experience of the research team in relation to the subject matter and methodologies of the proposed project? How does the team exhibit its capacity to effectively execute the proposed project? Does the proposal include a detailed and realistic implementation plan that aligns with the proposed activities? Is the budget justified and consistent with the project objectives and scope?
    • Scalability and replicability. How can the results of the project be applied to other contexts or environments? What strategies have been considered to ensure project scalability? Have barriers been identified that could impact the replicability and expansion of the project? What mechanisms are included in the proposal to overcome these barriers and enhance the study’s adaptability?
  • When are proposals due?

    This call for research proposals closes on October 11, 2024 (11:59 P.M. ET). To ensure proper processing of all proposals, it is strongly recommended that you submit your proposals well before the deadline. GDLab is not responsible for any last-minute difficulties submitting the proposal through the system.

    Applications outside this deadline will not be considered.

  • How to apply?

    To apply, teams must register, download and fill the application form in English, and then submit the duly completed form through GDLab’s call for proposals’ website.

    Applications sent by email or those that do not follow the format of the form will not be accepted.

  • When will the results be announced?

    The results of this call for proposals will be announced in December 2024.

    Due to the high volume of proposals received, GDLab will provide feedback only on proposals that are selected as finalists.