• Relevance and innovation. Does the proposal address a knowledge gap? How would the study contribute to closing these knowledge gaps? What is the innovation proposed by the study to address the problem? What is the study’s relevance in terms of its impact on policy design in the region?
  • Data and methodology. Does the proposal present a clear and rigorous research design and methodology? Is the approach to the research question explained in detail and does it justify why the selected methodology is the most appropriate to achieve the objectives of the study? Is the data collection process described in detail, including how potential challenges will be met and overcome? Is the estimation strategy well-articulated, justifying its ability to identify causal relationships and the robustness of the expected results? Are quantitative methods clearly presented and is there adequate justification for their choice over other methodological alternatives?
  • Implementation capacity. What is the demonstrated experience of the research team in relation to the subject matter and methodologies of the proposed project? How does the team exhibit its capacity to effectively execute the proposed project? Does the proposal include a detailed and realistic implementation plan that aligns with the proposed activities? Is the budget justified and consistent with the project objectives and scope?
  • Scalability and replicability. How can the results of the project be applied to other contexts or environments? What strategies have been considered to ensure project scalability? Have barriers been identified that could impact the replicability and expansion of the project? What mechanisms are included in the proposal to overcome these barriers and enhance the study’s adaptability?